Friday, March 23, 2007

RevGalBlogPal Friday Five: Rivers in the Desert

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19, NRSV

As we near the end of the long journey toward Easter, a busy time for pastors and layfolk alike, I ponder the words of Isaiah and the relief and refreshment of a river in the desert.

For this Friday Five, name five practices, activities, people or _____ (feel free to fill in something I may be forgetting) that for you are rivers in the desert.

1) Ben, without a doubt. Without him, I would be more than a little parched! But also in this general category are all my friends and family - you know who you are. :-)

2) Cross-Stitching and other assorted crafty things (like knitting). I don't do it enough, but I love it. It's so relaxing (except when you skip a stitch), and refreshing.

3) Naps, especially at this time of year.

4) Hugs! Enough said.

5) The ocean...nature in general, but particularly the ocean. And the stars. I miss them so much, and I always feel at peace when I get a chance to look at them.


Unknown said...

I loved cross stitch, until I couldn't see the stitches anymore!

Terri said...

I knit and cross stitch, and yes, soo relaxing...and I too love the stars. Although living in the midst of big city and suburbia we are lucky if we see a couple of stars. Not the make-you-dizzy kind of stars I remember from the skies of my childhood...I do miss that. Thanks for playing and sharing today!

Unknown said...

Great play. Like the hugs. And love eh ocean.