Thursday, March 15, 2007


I don't really have that much to report. I've been up in Maine for the past few days, visiting with high school friends (yay!), making pi cookies, checking out reception sites, and...writing a midterm and doing huge amounts of reading. Not much of a relaxing break, but I'll take what I can get!

My computer is estimated to be back tomorrow (hooray!) Hopefully I'll get it back, even though there's supposed to be a huge snow storm tomorrow afternoon through Saturday afternoon.

My car is in the shop too; it failed inspection. So Dad and I took it over to the dealership to be fixed. Hopefully, that will get done by Saturday.

Wow, in retrospect...I've had a rather busy and stressful break! I hope that my semester doesn't deteriorate from here...

1 comment:

John Wesley said...

I should not dare to interrupt your more weighty affairs with a letter of mine, did I not hold you to be a disciple of Him who would not have the smoking flax quenched nor the bruised reed broken. But since I am entirely convinced of this, I beg of you that in your prayers and the prayers of the Church that sojourns with you, I may be commended to God, to be instructed in true poverty of spirit, in gentleness, in faith, and love of God and my neighbor. And, whenever you have a little leisure, do not disdain to offer to God this short prayer, which I have heard frequently offered by your brethren at Savannah (would they were mine also!):

Then the dauntless mind
Which, to Jesus joined,
Neither life nor treasure prizes,
And all fleshly lusts despises,
Grant him, Highest Good,
Through Thy precious blood.

God's most humble servant, I remain,
John Wesley